Sunday, June 11, 2017

Shipyard -- Composable Docker Management

Shipyard gives you the ability to manage Docker resources including containers, images, private registries and more.
Run the commands in the following below sequence:
1. Datastore
docker run -ti -d --restart=always --name shipyard-rethinkdb rethinkdb
2. Discovery
docker run -ti -d -p 4001:4001 -p 7001:7001 --restart=always --name shipyard-discovery microbox/etcd -name discovery
3. Proxy
docker run -ti -d -p 2375:2375 --hostname=<hostname> --restart=always --name shipyard-proxy -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock -e PORT=2375 shipyard/docker-proxy:latest
docker run -ti -d -p 2375:2375 --hostname= ip-xxxxxxxxxxxx.internal --restart=always --name shipyard-proxy -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock -e PORT=2375 shipyard/docker-proxy:latest
4. Swarm Manager: (This will run a Swarm container configured to manage)
docker run -ti -d --restart=always --name shipyard-swarm-manager swarm:latest manage --host tcp:// etcd://<HOST-OF-IP>:4001
docker run -ti -d --restart=always --name shipyard-swarm-manager swarm:latest manage --host tcp:// etcd://xxxxxxxxxxxx:4001
5. Swarm Agent: (This runs a Swarm agent that allows the node to schedule containers)
docker run -ti -d --restart=always --name shipyard-swarm-agent swarm:latest join --addr xxxxxxxxx:2375 etcd://<HOST-OF-IP>:4001
docker run -ti -d --restart=always --name shipyard-swarm-agent swarm:latest join --addr xxxxxxxx:2375 etcd://xxxxxxxxx:4001
6. Controller: (This runs the Shipyard Controller)
docker run -ti -d --restart=always --name shipyard-controller --link shipyard-rethinkdb:rethinkdb --link shipyard-swarm-manager:swarm -p 8080:8080  shipyard/shipyard:latest server -d tcp://swarm:3375
7. Once the controller is launched and the controller has initialized the datastore you should be able to login via http://[ip-of-host]:8080

Note: Open the port 2375 as inbound rule in Security Group and should have Docker engine and a non-TLS setup. To verify the TLS setup is enable or not, we need to check the TLS files in /usr/local/etc/openldap/   directory.(REF:

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