Using Docker compose
Manipulating environments and iterating on projects
Scaling services and cleaning up
Building declarative environments
Some of the common scenarios:
you ever joined a team with an existing project and struggled to get
your development environment set up or IDE configured?If someone
asked you to provision a test environment for their project,could you
enumerate all the questions you would need to ask to get the job
done?Can you imagine how paniful it is for development teams and system
administartors to resynchronize when environments change?All of these
are common and high-effort tasks.They can be time-intensive while adding
little value to a project.In the worst case,they give rise to policies
or procedures that limit developer flexibility,slow the iteration cycle
and bring paths of least resistance to the forefront of technical
decision making.
Docker compose (also called Compose) and how you can use it to solve these common problems.
Docker compose:UP
is a tool for defining,launching and managing services,where a service
is defined as one or more replicas of a Docker container.Services and
systems of services are defined in YAML files and managed with the
command-line program docker-compose.With Compose you can use simple
commands to accomplish these tasks:
Build Docker images
Launch containerized applications as services
Launch full systems of services
Manage the state of individual services in a system
Scale services up or down
View logs for the collection of containers making a service
lets you stop focusing on individual containers and instead describe
full environments and service component interactions.A compose file
might describe four or five unique services that are interrelated but
should maintain isolation and may scale independently .This level of
interaction covers most of the every day use cases for system
management.For that reason,most interactions with Docker will be
through compose.
Installations of docker-compose
lets you stop focusing on individual container and instead describe
full environment and service component interaction.A compose file might
describe four or five unique services that are interrelated but should
maintain isolation and may scale independently.This level of
interaction covers most of the everyday use cases for system
management.For that the reason,most interactions with Docker will be
through Compose.
By this point you have almost certainly
installed Docker,but you may not have installed compose.You can find
up-to-date installation instructions for your environment at
support for windows has not been implemented at the time of this
writing.But many users have successfully installed compose on windows
through pip(a python package manager).Check the official site for
up-to-date information.You may be pleasantly surprised to find that
compose is a single binary file and that installation instructions are
quite simple.Take the time to install compose now.
best way to develop an appreciation for any tool is to use it.The rest
of this section will get you started with a few situational examples.
Onboarding with a simple development environment
you have started a new job as a software developer with a
forward-loking team that owns a mature project.If you have been in a
similar situation before,you may anticipate that your going to spend a
few days installing and configuring your IDE and getting an operational
development environment running on your workstation.But on your first
day at this job,your peers give you three simple instructions to get
Install Docker
Install Docker Compose
Install and use Git to clone the development environment
than ask you to clone a development environment here,I’ll have you
create a new directory named wp-example and copy the following
docker-compose.yml file into that directory:
you may be able to tell from examining the file,your going to launch a
WordPress service and an independent database.This is an iteration of a
bsic example.Change to the directory where you created the
docker-compose.yml file and start it all up with the following command:
Docker-compose up
This should result in output similar to the following:
Creating wpexample_db_1…..
Creating wpexample_wordpress_1….
You should be able to open http://localhost:8080/(or
replace “localhost” with your virtual machine’s IP address)in a web
browser and discover a fresh WordPress installation.This example is
fairly simple but does describe a multi-service architecture.Imagine a
typical three –or four tier web application that consists of a
webserver,application code,a database and maybe a cache.Launching a
local copy of such an environment might typically take a few days-longer
if the person doing work is less familiar with some of the
components.With Compose,it’s as simple as acquiring the
docker-compose.yml file and running docker-compose up.
When you
have finished having fun with our WordPress instance,you should clean
up.You can shutdown the whole environment by pressing Ctrl-C.Before you
remove all the containers that were created,take a moment to list them
with both the docker and docker-compose commands:
Docker ps
Docker-compose ps
docker displays a list of two pr more containers in the standard
fashion.But listing the containers with docker-compose includes only the
list of containers that are defined by the docker-compose.yml in the
current directory.This form is more refined and succinct.Filtering the
list in this way also helps you focus on the containers that make up the
environment your currently working on.Because moving on,taeke the time
to clean up environment.
Compose has an rm command that’s
very similar to the docker rm command.The difference is that
docker-compose rm will remove all services or a specific service
defined by the environment.An other minor difference is that the –f
option doesn’t force the removal of running containers.Instead,it
suppresses a verification stage.
So,the first step in cleaning
up os to stop the environment.You can either docker-compose stop or
docker-compose kill for this purpose.Using stop is preferred to kill
for reasons explained.Like other compose commands,these can be passed a
service name to target for shutdown.
Once you have stopped the
services,clean up with the docker-compose rm command.Remember,if you
omit the –v option,volumes may become orphaned:
Docker-compose rm -v
Compose will display a list of the container that are going to be
removed and prompt you for verification.Press the Y key to proceed.With
the removal of these containers,your ready to learn how compose manages
state and tips for avoiding orphan services while iterating.
This WordPress sample is trivial.Next,you will see how you might use Compose to model a much more complicated environment.
A complicated architecture:distribution and Elasticsearch integration
launch four related components that together provide a Docker registry
that’s configured to pump event data into an Elasticsearch instance and
provide a web interface for searching those events.
up the example required image builds and careful accounting while
linking containers together.You can quickly re-create the example by
cloning an existing environment from version control and launching it
with compose:
Git clone
Cd ch11_notifications
Docker-compose up –d
you run the last command,Docker will spring to life building various
images and starting containers.It differs from the first example in
that you use the -d option.This option launches the containers in
detached mode.It operated exactly like the –d option on the docker run
command.When the containers are detached ,the log output of each of the
containers will not be streamed to your terminal.
If you need
to access that data,you could use the docker logs command for a
specific container,but that does not scale well if your running several
conatiners.Instead use the docker-compose logs commands to get the
aggregated log stream for all containers or some subset of the services
manages vy compose For example:if you want to see all the logs for all
services,run this:
Docker-compose logs
command will automatically follow the logs,so when you have
finished,press Ctrl-C to quit.If you want tosee only one or more
service services,then name those services:
Docker-compose logs pump elasticsearch
this example,you launched the complete environment with a single
command and viewed the output with a single command.Being able to
operate at such a high level is nice,but the more powerful fact is that
your also in possession of the various sources and can iterate locally
with the same ease.
Suppose you have another service that you
would like to bind on port 3000.This would conflict with the calaca
service in this example.Making the change is as simple as changing
ch11_notifications/docker-compose.yml and running docker-compose up
again.Take a look at the file:
the last line where it reads 3000:3000 to 3001:3000 and save the
file.With the change made,you can rebuild the environment by simply
running docker-compose up -d again.When you do,it will stop the
currently running containers,remove those containers,create new
containers and reattach any volumes that may have been mounted on the
previous generation of the environment.When possible,Compose will limit
the scope of restarted containers to those that have been changed.
If the sources for your services change,you can rebuild one or all of
your services with a single command.To rebuild all the services in your
environment,run the following:
Docker-compose build
you only need to rebuild one or some subset of your services,then
simply name the service.This command will rebuild both the calaca and
pump services:
Docker-compose build calaca pump
At this point,stop and remove the container you created for these services:
Docker-compose rm -vf
working with these examples,you have touched on the bulk of the
development workflow.There are a few surprises:Docker Compose lets the
person or people who define the environment worry about the details of
working with Docker and frees users or developers to focus on the
contained applications.
Iterating within an Environment
Learning how compose fits into your workflow requires a rich
example.This section uses an environment similar to one you might find
in areal API product.You will work through scenarios and manage the full
life cycle for many services.One scenario will guide you through
scaling independent services,and another will teach you about state
management.Try not tofocus too much on how the environment is
The environment your onboarding with in this
section is an API for working with coffee shop metadata.It’s the brain
child of a hot new startup catering to local entrepreneur and
freelancers.At least it is for the purpose of the example.The
environment structure.
Download this example from the GitHub repository:
Git clone https : //
you run this command,Git will download the most recent copy of the
example and place it in a new directory named ch11_coffee_api under
your current directory.When your ready,change into that directory to
start working with the environment.
Build,start and rebuild services
With the sources and environment description copied from version
control,start the development workflow by building any artifacts that
are declared in the environment .You can do that the following command:
Docker-compose build
output from the build command will include several lines indicating
that specific services have been skipped because they use an
image.This environment is made up of four components.Of those,only one
require a build step:the coffee API.You should see from the output that
when Compose built this service,it is triggered a Dockerfile build and
created an image.The build step runs a docker build command for the
referenced services.
The coffee API’S source and
Dockerfile are contained in the coffee folder.It’s a simple
flask-based python application that listens on port 3000.The other
services in the environment are out-of-the-box components sourced from
images on Docker Hub.
With the environment built,check out the
resulting images that have been loaded into Docker.Run docker images and
look for an image named ch11coffeeapi_coffee.Compose uses labels and
prefixed names to identify images and containers that were created
for a given environment.In this case the image produced for the coffee
service is prefixed with ch11coffeeapi_ because that’s the derived name
for the environment.The name comes from the directory where the
docker-compose.yml file is located.
You have built a local
artifact for the coffee API,but the environment may references images
that aren’t present on your system.You can pull all those with a single
compose command:
Docker-compose pull
This command will pull the most recent images for the tags referenced
in the environment.At this point,all the required artifacts should be
available on your machine.Now you can start services,Start with the db
service and pay special and pay attention to the logs
Docker compose up –d db
compose started the db service ,it started the dbstate service,This
happens because Compose is aware of all the defined services in the
environment ,and the db service has a dependency on the dbstate service
.When compose starts any particular service ,it will start all the
services in the dependency change for that service.This means that as
you iterate and you only need to start or restart a portion of your
environment,Compose will ensure that it comes up with all dependencies
Now that you have seen that compose is aware of service dependencies,start up the whole environment:
Docker-compose up
you use an unqualified docker-compose up command,Compose will create or
re-create every service in the environment and start them all.If
compose detects any services that haven’t been built or services that
use missimg images,it will trigger a build or fetch the appropriate
image (just like docker run).In this case,you may have noticed that
this command re-created the db service even though it was already
running .This is done to ensure that everything has been brought up in a
functioning state.But if you know that the dependencies of a
particular service are operating correctly,you can start or restart
service with out its dependencies.To do so ,include the --no-dep flag.
for example,that you made a minor adjustment to the configuration for
the proxy service (contained in docker-compose.yml) and wanted to
restart the proxy only.You might simply run the following:
Docker-compose up --no-dep -d proxy
command will stop an y proxy containers that might be running,remove
those containers and then create and start a new container for the
proxy service.Every other service in the system will remain
unaffected.If you had omitted the --no-dep flag,then every service
would have been re-created and restarted because every service in this
environment is either a direct or transitive dependency of proxy.
--no-dep flag can come in handy when your starting systems where
components have long-running startup procedures and your experiencing
race conditions.In those cases,you might start those first to let them
initialize before starting the rest of the services.
With the environment running,you can try experimenting with and iterating on the project.Load up http://localhost:8080/api/coffeeshops
(or use your virtual machine IP address) in a web browser.If everything
is working properly,you should see a JSON document that looks something
like this:
endpoint lists all coffee shops in the system.You can see that the list
is empty. Next,add some content to become a bit more familiar with the
API your working on.Use the following cURL command to add content to
your database.
Curl -H “content-type : application/json” \
-d ‘{“name “:Albina Press”,”address”:”5012 Southeast Hawthrone
OR”,”zipcode”:97215,”price”:2,”max_seats”:40,”power”:true,”wifi”:true}’ \
may need to substitute your virtual machine IP address for
“Localhost”.The new coffee shop should be in your database now.You can
test by reloading /api/coffeeshops/ in your browser.The result should
look like the following response:
“address”:5012 Southeast Hawthrone Boulevard.Portland ,OR,
“max_seats”: 40,
“name”:”Albina Press’,
is common in the development life cycle,you should add a feature to the
coffee API.The current implementation only lets you create and list
coffee shops.It would be nice to add a basic ping handler for health
checks from a load balancer.Open http://localhost:8080/api/ping (or use your virtual machine Ip address) in a web browser to see how the current application responds.
going to add a handler for this path and have the application return
the host name where the API is running.Open ./coffee/api/ in your
favourite editor and add the following code to the end of the file:
def ping();
return os.getenv (‘HOSTNAME’)
your having problems with the next step in the example,if your not in
the mood to edit files,you can check out a feature branch on the
repository where the changes have already been made:
Git checkout feature-ping
you have made the change and saved the file (or checked out the updated
branch),rebuild and recreate the service with the following commands:
Docker-compose build coffee
Docker-compose up -d
first command will run a docker build command for the coffee API again
and generate an updated image.The second command will re-create the
environment.There’s no need to worry about the coffee shop data you
created.The managed volume that was created to store the database will
be detached and reattached seamlessly to the new database container.When
the command is finished,refresh the web page that you loaded for
api/ping earlier .It should display an ID of a familiar style.This is
the container ID that’s running the coffee API.Remember,Docker injects
the container ID into the HOSTNAME environment variable.
In this section you cloned a mature project and were able to start
iterating on its functionality with a minimal learning curve.Next you
will scale,stop and tear down services.
Scale and remove services
of the most impressive and useful features of compose is the ability to
scale a service up and down.When you do,compose creates more replicas
of the containers providing the service.Fantastically,these replicas
are automatically cleaned up when you scale down.But as you might expect
,containers that are running when you stop an environment will remain
until the environment is rebuilt or cleaned up.In this section you will
learn how to scale up,scale down and clean up your services.
with the coffee API example,you should have the environment
running.You can check with the docker-compose ps command introduced
earlier.Remember,compose commands should be executed from the directory
where your docker-compose.yml file is located.If the environment isn’t
running (proxy,coffee and db services running)then bring it up eith
docker-compose up -d.
Suppose you were managing a test or
production environment and needed to increase the parallelism of the
coffee service.To do so,you would only to need to point your machine at
your target environment and run a single command.In the parameters of
this example,your working with your development environment.Before
scaling up,get a list of the containers providing the coffee service:
Docker-compose ps coffee
The output should look something like the following:
Name command state ports
Ch11coffeeapi_coffee_1 ./ Up à 3000/tcp
the far-right column,which details the host-to-container port mapping
for the single container running the service.You can access the coffee
API served by this container directly (without going through the
proxy)by using this public port (in this case,32807).The port number
will be different on your computer.If you load the ping handler for
this container,you will see the container ID running the service.Now
that you have established a baseline for your system,scale up the coffee
service with the following command:
Docker-compose scale coffee=5
command will log each container that it creates.Use the
docker-compose ps command again to see all the containers running the
coffee service:
command state
ports Ch11coffeeapi_coffee_1 ./ Up à3000/tcp
. 2 . . 32808 à3000/tcp
you can see,there are now five containers running the coffee API.These
are all identical with the exception of their container IDs and
name.These containers even use identical host port mappings.The reason
this example works is that the coffee API’s internal port 3000 has
been mapped to the host’s ephemeral port (port 0).when you bind to port
0,the OS will select an available port Is predefined range.If instead it
were always bound to port 3000 on the host,then only one container
could be running at a time.
Test the ping hanlder
on a few different conatiners (using the dedicated port for the
container)before moving on.This example project is used throughout the
remainder of the book.At this point,however there’s not much else to do
but scale back down to single instance.Issue a similar command to scale
Docker-compose scale coffee=1
logs from the command indicate which instances are being stopped and
removed.Use the docker-compose ps command again to verify the state of
your environment.
Name command state ports
Ch11coffeeapi_coffee_1 ./ Up à 3000/tcp
Before moving on to learning about persistent state,Clean up the environment so you can start fresh with docker-compose rm.
Iteration and persistent state
At the end of last section you stopped and removed all the services
and any managed volumes.Before that you also used Compose to re-create
the environment,effectively removing and rebuilding all the
containers.This section is focused on the nuances of the workflow and
edge cases that can have some undesired effects.
First,a note
about managed volumes.Volumes are a major concern of state
management.Fortunately, Compose makes working with managed volumes
trivial in iterative environments.When a service is rebuilt,the attached
managed volumes are not removed.Instead they are reattached to the
replacing containers for that service.This means that your free to
iterate without losing your data.Managed volumes are finally cleaned up
when the last container is removed using docker-compose rm and the –v
The bigger issue with state management
and Compose is environment state.In highly iterative environments you
will be changing several things,including the environment
configuration.Certain types of changes can create problems.
For example,if you rename or remove a service definition in your
docker-compose.yml,then you lose the ability t manage it with
compose.Trying this back to the coffee API,the coffee service was named
api during development .The environment was in a constant state of flux
and at some point when the api service was running,the service was
renamed to coffee.When that happened,compose was no longer aware of the
api service.Rebuilds and relaunches worked only on the new coffee
service,and the api service was orphaned.
You can discover
this state when you use docker ps to list the running container and
notice that contianers for old versions of the service are running
when none should be.Recovery is simple enough.You can either use
docker commands to directly clean up the environments or add the orphan
service definition back to the docker-compose.yml and clean up the
Linking problems and the network
The last thing to note about using compose to manage systems of
services is remembering the impact of container-linking limitations.
the coffee API sample project,the proxy service has a link dependency
on the coffee service.Remember that Docker builds container links by
creating firewalls rules and injecting service discovery information
into the dependent container’s environment variables and /etc/hosts
In highly iterative environments,a user may be tempted
to relaunch only a specific service.That can cause problems if another
service is dependent on it.
For example,if you were to bring up
the coffee API environment and then selectively relaunch the coffee
service,the proxy service would no longer be able to reach its upstream
dependency.When containers are re-created or restarted,they come back
with different IP addresses.That change makes the information that was
injected in to the proxy service stale.
It may seem burdensome
at times,but the best way to deal with this issue in environments
without dynamic service discovery is to relaunch whole environments,at a
minimum targeting services that don’t acts as upstream
dependencies.This is not an issue in robust systems that use a dynamic
service discovery mechanism or overlay network.Multi-host networking .
So far,you have used Compose in the context of an existing project
.When starting from scratch,you have a few more things to consider.
Starting a new project:Compose YAML in three samples
Defining an environment is no trivial task,requiring insight and
forethought .As project requirements,traffic shape,technology,financial
constraints and local expertise change,so will the environments for your
project.For that reason,maintaining clear separation of concerns
between the environments and your project is critical.Failing to do so
often means that iterating on your environments requires iterating on
the code that runs there.This section demonstrates how the features of
the Compose YAML can help you build the environments you need.
The remainder of this section will examine portions of the
docker-compose.yml file included with the Coffee API sample.Relevant
excerpts are included in the text.
Prelaunch builds,the environments,metadata and networking
Begin by examining the coffee service.This service uses a compose
managed build,environment variable injection,linked dependencies,and
special networking configuration.The service definition for coffee
When you have an environment
that’s closely tied to specific image sources,you might want to automate
the build phase of those services with compose.In the coffee API sample
project this is done for the coffee service.But the use case extends
beyond typical development environment needs.
If your
environments use data-packed volume containers to inject environment
configuration you might consider using a Compose managed build phase
for each environment.Whatever the reason,these are available with a
simple YAML file .You can also provide an alternative Dockerfile name
using the dockerfile key.
The python-based application
requires a few environment variables to be set so that it can
integrate with a database.Environment variables can be set for a
service with the environment key and a nested list or dictionary of
key-value pairs.In 2 the list form is used.
Alternatively you can provide one or many files containing environment
variable definitions with the env_file key.Similar to environment
variables,containers metadata can be set with a nested list or
dictionary for the labels key. The dictionary form is used at 3
Using detailed metadata can make working with your images and
containers much easier,but remains an optional practice.Compose will
use labels to store metadata for service accounting.
Last 4 shows where this service customizes networking by exposing a
port,binding to a host port and declaring a linked dependency.
The expose key accepts a list of container ports that should be exposed
by firewall rules.The ports key accepts a list of strings that
describe port mapping in the same format accepted by the –p option
on the docker run command.The links commands accept a list of links
definitions in the format accepted by the docker run --link flag.
Known artifacts and bind-mount volumes
Two critical components in the coffee API sample are provided by
images downloaded from Docker Hub.These are the proxy service,which uses
an official NGINX repository and db service,which uses the official
Postgre repository.Official repositories are reasonably trustworthy,but
it’s a best practice to pull and inspect third-party images before
deploying them in sensitive environments.Once you have established trust
in an image,you should use content-addressable images to ensure no
untrusted artifacts are deployed.
Services can be started from
any image with the image key.Both the proxy and db services are
image-based and use content-addressable images:
coffee API project uses both a database and loadbalancer with only
minimal configuration .The configuration that’s provided comes in the
form of volumes.
The proxy uses a volume to bind-mount a local
configuration file into NGINX dynamic configuration location.This is a
simple way to inject configuration without the trouble of building
completely new images.
The db service uses the volumes_from key to list services that defines required this case db declares a dependency on the dbstate service,a volume container service.
In general,the YAML keys are closely related to features exposed on
the docker run command .You can find a full reference at
Volume containers and extended services
Occasionally you will encounter a common service archetype.Examples
might include a NodeJS service,Java service,NGINX-based load balancer
or a volume container.In these cases,it may be appropriate to manifest
those archtypes as parent services and extend and specialize those for
particular instances.
The coffee API sample project defines a
volume container archetypes named data.The archetypes is a service
like any other.In this case it specifies an image to start from,a
command to run,a UID to run as and label metadata.
Command: echo Data container
Com.dockerinaction.example:”coffee API”
Com.dockerinaction.role:”Volume container”
service does nothing except define sensible defaults for a volume
container.Note that it doen’t define any volues.That specialization is
left to each volume container that extends the archtype:
File:docker-compose.yml (reference to parent service in another file)
Service: data
- /Var/lib/postgresql/data/pgdata
The db state service defined a volume container that extends the data
service.Service extensions must specify both the file and service name
being extended.The relevant keys are extended and nested file and
service.Service extensions work in a similar fashion to Dockerfile
builds.First the archetype containers is built and then it is
committed.The child is a new container built form the freshly generated
layer.Just like a Dockerfile build,these child containers inherit all
the parent’s attributes including metadata.
The dbstate
service defines the managed volume mounted at
/var/lib/postgresql/data/pgdata with the volumes key.The volumes key
accepts a list of volumes specifications allowed by the docker run -v
flag .
Docker Compose is a critical tool for anyone who
has made Docker a core component of their infrastructure.With it,you
will be able to reduce iteration time,version control environmets and
orchestrate adhoc service interactions with declarative documents.
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