to generate public and private keys on mac:
1)ssh-keygen -t rsa -C "email"
2)after generating the keys
id_rsa -----> private key ----> public key
(best practice to keep the public key named as authorized_keys)
.ssh directory should have the chmod 700 permission.
3)Always keys will be in this following path:
/home/kaushikg/.ssh > authorized_keys(public keys( && id_rsa (private key).
4)change the ownership of the files:
for example: if it is root root
(means root --- > user &&&& root ---> group)
do this command :
chown kaushikg:dev filename(authorized_keys && id_rsa)
it is changed to.
(make sure the permissions are on 600 or other wise change using the chmod 600 key name).
when you generated keys through putty and your trying to use in the linux machines :
you need to convert the putty generated keys to open ssh key format using the following command:
puttygen mykey.ppk -O private-openssh -o my-openssh-key
mykey.ppk - this is the key generated by the putty
my-openssh-key - converted open ssh key
Procedure to update on the bastionhost/jumpstart server:
Procedure to update on the bastionhost/jumpstart server:
we have to go in to there user:
bastionhost ———> root user ———> cd /home ——> list of all the users
go to for example kaushikg user and go in to his /home/kaushikg/.ssh update the authorized_keys( and the id_rsa from your local machine to the bastion host user (kaushikg).
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