Friday, September 18, 2020

Azure Cosmosdb

 Data Store 

1. Ability to store JSON based items.

2. Ability to use SQL like queries on the data store.

3. Ability to provide low latency access to data items.

CosmosDB to provide low latency access to data.

You can use the SQL API to store JSON based objects.

SQL query examples for Azure Cosmos DB 

Azure Cosmos DB SQL API accounts supports querying items using Structured  Query Language ( SQL ) as a JSON query Language.

The design goals of the Azure Cosmos DB query language are to:

Support SQL, one of the most familar and popular query language, instead of inventing a new query language. SQL provides a formal programming model for rich queries over JSON items.

Consistency-level for the Cosmosdb account:

The ideal approach from a technical and cost requirement to choose the Consistent prefix consistency level.

Consistent prefix: Updates that are returned contain some prefix of all the updates, with no gaps. Consistent prefix consistency level guarantees that reads never see out-of-order writes.

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