Monday, September 11, 2017

Infrastructure as Code -- chef overview

programmatically provision, configure and deploy
------->  treat like any other code base:source control, unit test
-------->build / rebuild whole environments using source     control,databackups  and compute resources.

But Why Chef?

Are there better tools than Chef?
Bash Scripts

Are there better tools than Chef?
Is Chef the right tool for every job?

Okay…Then Why Chef?

Pure Ruby
Its Opensource Software
 Huge Active Community

What is Chef?
Chef is a Policy Based Automation
Policy is defined in the Chef code.
Policy defines the “Desired State” of
our resources, but not how to get
The nodes will pull their policy from
the Chef Server and chef-client will
enforce the policy

Chef has a Vocabulary
§ Resources
§ Recipes
§ Cookbooks
§ Roles
§ Environments
§ Organizations
§ Data Bags
§ Node
§ Run_list

The basic building blocks of Chef
Define a part of your infrastructure
and its state
Can be:
> A package to be installed
> A service that should be running
> A file that should be created
> Much much more

Are a collection of Resources that
define a specific task
> Provision new nodes
> Install and configure an application
> Deploy application code
> Define monitoring checks
> Run other recipes
> Much much more

Are a collection of Recipes that
defines all desired states for one
Also contain:
> Default values for Chef Variables
> Static Files / Templates
> Custom Resources (libraries, lwrps, etc…)
> Testing code
Can also depend on / include other

Are the basic unit of configuration and
policy distribution
Set sane defaults for expected

Represent types of servers in your
Define a horizontal slice of your
> Load Balancer
> Web Servers
> Application Servers
> Databases

Roles can also define policy
Roles can have a run_list
Roles can also define or override
attributes to change the default
behavior of a cookbook to tailor it to
its needs.

Used to define the workflow our your
Generally used to segment the
different life stages of your application
> Dev / Integration
> Staging
> Production
GID is configured this way
Corp is defined by Data Center, but
is the process of changing to use

Environments also define policy
Environments can also define or
override attributes
> Define different API locations for Dev /
Stage / Prod
> Dev sends alerts to team, Prod sends
alerts to L1
Ideal place to pin to a specific version
of a cookbook.

Organizations are
Virtual independent Chef Servers
Share nothing between other
Define different business units
> Gap
> Stores

Data Bags
Data Bags
Free form data that is stored as JSON
data and is accessible from a Chef
Indexed for searching
Can be accessed directly via a recipe
or searched for
Can be encrypted!

Are virtual or physical nodes in our
Will belong to only one Organization
Will belong to one Environment
May have zero to multiple roles

Nodes define policy
Nodes can have a run_list
Nodes can also define or override

Run Lists
A Run List defines all of the
information necessary for Chef to
configure a node into the desired
§ A Run List is:
An ordered list of roles and/or recipes
that are run in the exact order defined
in the run-list
Always specific to the node on which it
Stored as part of the node object on
the Chef server

Chef has a Tool Chain
§ Chef-Client
§ Ohai
§ Knife
§ Test-kitchen
§ Chefspec
§ ServerSpec
§ FoodCritic
§ Rubocop

Chef Tools
an agent that runs locally on every
will perform all of the steps that are
required to bring the node into the
desired state
Enforces policy on the node

is a tool that is used to detect
attributes on a node, and then provide
these attributes to the chef-client at
the start of every chef-client run
Attributes that are collected by Ohai
are automatic attributes.
These attributes are used to define the
state of the node.
> Number of CPUS
> How much Memory
> IP Address

Command-line tool that provides an
interface between a local chef-repo
and the Chef server
Can be used to verify the state of chef
objects on the server
Due to the number of active developers
using Chef, the xxxx restricts the use of
knife to our various pipelines and a
select group of admins

Chef Testing Tools
§ Test-Kitchen
A tool to allow local testing of
cookbooks across multiple OS
§ Chefspec
A framework that tests resources and
recipes as part of a simulated chefclient
Very Quick, runs in memory
§ ServerSpec
A framework that tests actual state of
a target server

Chef Linting Tools
helps you detect problems that will
cause a runtime failure
Helps you enforce desirable behavior
Detects common anti-patterns
§ Rubocop
Evaluate your Ruby coding style
against community standards
Improve your code by iterating through
style warnings
(I hate Rubocop)

Automation / Chef Concepts
§ Desired State Configuration
§ Convergence
§ Idempotence

§ Desired State Configuration
The cumulative definition of Policy as
described by cookbooks, roles,
environment, data bags applied to a
specific node.

§ Idempotence
in math, means an operation can be
applied multiple times without
changing the result. 1 x 1 = 1 is an
idempotent operation of
In Chef, Resources are designed to be
idempotent. This means we can run the
same resource repeatedly, and if its
already in its desired state then nothing

§ Convergence
is when the configuration management
system brings the node into
compliance with policy.
Once a node has achieved convergence,
we should be able to re-run chef-client
and nothing will change.

Chef is a Policy-Based Automation
§ Chef provides a domain-specific language (DSL) that allows you to
specify policy for your infrastructure
§ Policy is defined via:
§ Policy describes the desired state, but not how to get there

Nodes adhere to Policy
§ When the chef-client application is run on the node, it:
Gathers the current system configuration of the node (Ohai)
Downloads the desired system configuration policies from the Chef server
for that node (cookbooks, roles, data bags, environment)
Configures the node such that it adheres to those policies

Run List specifies Policy
§ The Run List is an ordered collection of policies that the Node should
§ Run List can be defined in only 2 Chef objects
§ Chef-client obtains the Run List from the Chef Server
§ Chef-client ensures the Node complies with the policy in the Run List

A Quick-n-Dirty example using Chef-Apply
§ What is Chef-Apply?
chef-apply is an executable program that allows you to work with resources
It is included as part of the ChefDK
A great way to explore resources
NOT how you’ll eventually use Chef in production
PROBLEM: Our manager wants a webserver installed on our node
§ Let’s solve this using Chef-Apply to see Chef in action

§ Determine the desired state of your infrastructure
§ Identify the Resources required to meet that state
§ Gather the Resources into Recipes
§ Compose a Run List from Recipes and Roles
§ Apply a Run List to each Node in your Environment
§ Your infrastructure adheres to the policy modeled in Chef!
DIGCA! Okay that is a terrible acronym.

Configuration Drift
§ Configuration Drift happens when:
Your infrastructure requirements change
The configuration of a server falls out of policy
§ Chef makes it easy to manage
Model the new requirements in your Chef configuration files
Run the chef-client to enforce your policies
§ Chef Configuration files + Source Control == Happiness

Design Tenants of Chef
§ Reasonability
Default actions of a cookbook should do what is expected
§ Sane Defaults
Default Attributes should address major of cases of default install
§ Flexibility
Data Driven Cookbooks are better than static ones
Tenants borrowed from Larry Wall (aka creator of Perl)
§ Whipuptitude
aptitude for whipping things up
§ Manipulexity
manipulation of complex things

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