The hard way...
§ Up to this point we have been writing our own cookbooks.
§ While this allows us to write very specific cookbooks tailored to our
environment, its not very practical.
§ When Gap started with Chef, we had to write almost all of the
original base cookbooks including gapNetboot (use to provision nodes
built the gap way), gapUDS (for authentication), gapRepos, gapSudo,
§ For most of these applications, the community has already tackled
this problem for us...
The easy way...
§ We can leverage Chef's active community and use some of the
cookbooks that have already been written for mass consumption
§ Hundreds or cookbooks already exist for a large number of use cases
and purposes. Many (but only a fraction) are maintained by Chef.
§ Think of it like,, or other focused plugin-style
distribution sites.
Like Prego, its in there...
Look for a cookbook that manages an application you are interested in:
§ apache? (apache2?)
§ tomcat?
§ mysql?
§ postgresql?
§ mongodb?
§ nodejs?
Yep. Its in there...
Problem: Manager wants our nodes to run
chef-client periodically
§ Up to this point, we've been running chef-client manually. This isn't
how we run it in any of our environments...
§ Problem: To keep out infrastructure in compliance, we need to run
the chef-client every 30 mins. We should also delete the validation
pem from our node, now that we don't need it anymore.
§ Solution: Use the community cookbook provided by Chef!
Search for chef-client
Always check the code!
Search the chef-client cookbook in the
Use Berks to install this cookbook (and its
dependencies) to your Chef Server
§ Life before Berks involved a lot of downloading a cookbook and then
trying to upload it to the Chef Server only to see that it would fail
with a missing dependency.
§ If you chef the metadata.rb of the chef-client cookbook you will
notice that it has 3 dependencies.
§ BUT, those cookbooks may have their own dependencies...
§ In fact, the chef-client cookbook has a total of 4 dependent
cookbooks that need to be uploaded to the Chef Server before we can
finally try to upload chef-client.
§ Berks to the rescue...
source ''!
cookbook 'chef-client'!
berks install
berks install
Resolving cookbook dependencies...
Fetching cookbook index from
Installing chef-client (4.3.1)
Installing chef_handler (1.2.0)
Installing cron (1.6.1)
Installing logrotate (1.9.2)
Installing windows (1.38.1)
berks upload
berks upload
Uploaded chef-client (4.3.1) to: 'https://
Uploaded chef_handler (1.2.0) to: 'https://
Uploaded cron (1.6.1) to: 'https://centos6.novalocal:
Uploaded logrotate (1.9.2) to: 'https://
Uploaded windows (1.38.1) to: 'https://
Add chef-client and chefclient::
delete_validation to base.rb
name 'base'
description 'Base Server Role'
run_list 'recipe[motd]','recipe[repos]','recipe[chefclient]','
Upload your role to the Chef Server
knife role from file base.rb
Updated Role base!
Run chef-client
sudo chef-client
[2015-08-19T06:57:05+00:00] INFO: Forking chef instance to converge...!
Starting Chef Client, version 12.4.1!
[2015-08-19T06:57:05+00:00] INFO: *** Chef 12.4.1 ***!
[2015-08-19T06:57:05+00:00] INFO: Chef-client pid: 31951!
[2015-08-19T06:57:07+00:00] INFO: Run List is [role[base], role[webserver]]!
[2015-08-19T06:57:07+00:00] INFO: Run List expands to [motd, repos, chefclient,
chef-client::delete_validation, mysite]!
[2015-08-19T06:57:07+00:00] INFO: Starting Chef Run for node1!
[2015-08-19T06:57:07+00:00] INFO: Running start handlers!
[2015-08-19T06:57:07+00:00] INFO: Start handlers complete.!
[2015-08-19T06:57:07+00:00] INFO: HTTP Request Returned 404 Not Found:!
resolving cookbooks for run list: ["motd", "repos", "chef-client", "chefclient::
delete_validation", "mysite"]!
[2015-08-19T06:57:08+00:00] INFO: Loading cookbooks [motd@0.1.0, pci@0.1.0,
repos@0.1.0, chef-client@4.3.1, cron@1.6.1, logrotate@1.9.2, windows@1.38.1,
chef_handler@1.2.0, mysite@0.1.0]!
Synchronizing Cookbooks:!
Chef the Chef-Client process
ps –ef | grep chef-client
gaptech 379 31762 0 07:32 pts/0 00:00:00 grep chef-client
root 32565 1 0 06:57 ? 00:00:00 /opt/chef/embedded/bin/ruby /
usr/bin/chef-client -d -c /etc/chef/client.rb -P /var/run/chef/ -i
1800 -s 300
Gap runs its own internal Supermarket
Like your own Tomato Sauce, we control
what goes in there...
Look for a cookbook that manages an application you are interested in:
§ apache? (apache2?)
§ tomcat?
§ mysql?
§ postgresql?
§ mongodb?
§ nodejs?
Yep. Its in there...but much fewer versions.
(and less documentation)
How do I get my version of cookbook into
our internal Supermarket?
§ Like the Berksfile we just edited, we use a Master Cookbooklist
(which happens to look like a giant Berksfile)
§ We keep it in source control
§ Want to add to it?
§ Make a Pull Request and someone from Automation Team will review
it for you
§ Let's see how to do that
How do I get my version of cookbook into
our internal Supermarket?
using github repos.
Clone the Cookbooklist repo
git clone
Cloning into 'cookbooklist'...
remote: Counting objects: 2259, done.
remote: Total 2259 (delta 0), reused 0 (delta 0), pack-reused 2259
Receiving objects: 100% (2259/2259), 329.34 KiB | 0 bytes/s, done.
Resolving deltas: 100% (676/676), done.Checking connectivity... done.
Make a Branch
git checkout -b JPC/TrainingTest
flexo:cookbooklist jcook$ git checkout -b JPC/TrainingTest!
Switched to a new branch 'JPC/TrainingTest'
Edit the Berksfile
$ vi Berksfile
source ''
group :community_cookbook do
cookbook 'testcookbook', '0.1.0'
cookbook 'apache2', '1.8.4'
cookbook 'apt', '2.7.0'
cookbook 'ark', '0.9.0'
cookbook 'automysqlbackup', '2.0.1'
cookbook 'aws', '1.0.0'
cookbook 'build-essential', '2.2.3'
cookbook 'chef-server', '2.0.0'
Commit the Change
$ vi Berksfile
[JC] Adding testcookbook
# Please enter the commit message for your changes. Lines starting!
# with '#' will be ignored, and an empty message aborts the commit.!
# Explicit paths specified without -i or -o; assuming --only paths...!
# On branch JPC/TrainingTest# Changes to be committed:!
# modified: Berksfile#!
Push your local branch to Github
git push -u origin JPC/TrainingTest
Username for '': jo1a8y1
Password for '':
Counting objects: 3, done.
Delta compression using up to 8 threads.
Compressing objects: 100% (3/3), done.
Writing objects: 100% (3/3), 339 bytes | 0 bytes/s, done.
Total 3 (delta 1), reused 0 (delta 0)
* [new branch] JPC/TrainingTest -> JPC/TrainingTestBranch JPC/
TrainingTest set up to track remote branch JPC/TrainingTest from origin.
Create the Pull Request
Wait for someone from the Automation
team to approve the PR
The Automation team will look at your request and work with you to
figure out if we can approve it.
§ There could be a variety of reasons why they might not be able to
immediately approve your request, but they should work with you to
find a solution.
§ Normally, they will just approve it.
****Jenkins will pull the new Berksfile and
push your cookbook everywhere******
Knowledge Check
§ Why do we want to use Community cookbooks
§ What is the first thing you should read when downloading a cookbook?
§ Who vets cookbook in the Public Supermarket?
§ Who vets cookbooks in the Internal Supermarket?
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