Monday, September 4, 2017


Tomcat  installation

Configure  tomcat
     (same across platform).
      Location  is different
 (the steps,which you do are the same,but the place is different,
Variable to hold location (we have to change the xml format).
If  node[‘platform’] == “ubuntu”
  Tomcat_location  =  “/var/lib/tomcat”
Elsif  node[‘platform’]  ==  “RedHat”
     Tomcat_location = “/usr/share/tomcat”

Here,we are writing some resource like file.(whatever files,we write is same,but the location is different).only for the location part,I am writing the ‘if’ loop.
File  tomcat_

Manual steps of tomcat on Ubuntu:

Sudo apt-get update
Sudo apt-get  install tomcat7
Sudo nano /etc/default/tomcat7

Manual steps of tomcat on centos:

Sudo  yum install tomcat
Sudo vi /usr/share/tomcat/conf/tomcat.conf

  name: vagrant
    memory: 1024

  name: chef_zero
  #roles_path: ../../roles
 # data_bags_path: ../../data_bags
  #environments_path: ../../environments
  #cookbook_path: ../../cookbooks
    always_update_cookbooks:  true
  - name: Ubuntu-14.04
-       name: centos

  - name: default
      - recipe[configuretomcat::default]
        - test/smoke/default
I want to have generically 1gb ram,so I have wriiten this.

We have to  install:

$ berks install

(this is always the first step,before doing the kitchen converge).
(kitchen has dependency with the log files,that generated).
(kitchen expects this,berksfile.lock).

cookbook::  configuretomcat
Recipe:: default
(#generally in default,you wont write code).
(The normal principle is in writing the default is,you will be not writing code).
(you will write,what are the recipe calling order).
(everyone calls this file,it executes in the order  you write it).
(generally,this file should not contain the logic of tomcat installation).
(rather it contains a code,which contains logic).

(unless is the best thing here).
(unless is nothing but the,ifnot).

unless node [‘platform_family’]  == ‘debian’   || node  [‘platform_family’]  == ‘redhat’
      # raise  “this is not supported in your current platform”
      #(we don’t want to install the tomcat in other operating systems).
  (since,I am not doing any interpolation,instead of using the double quotes,I can use the single quotes)
      raise  ‘this is not supported in your current platform’

    include_recipe  [configuretomcat::tomcat]

(I want to validate the ruby,whatever I written is correct or not).
(if you want to check that,).

$ ruby  -c recipes/default.rb
syntax  OK
(this will,tell you about the ruby syntax).
(this is nothing but the ruby compile).
(generally,when you have the issues with the if statements and while statements,we can excute this).

#cookbook::  configuretomcat
#Recipe:: tomcat

If node[‘platform’]  ==  “ubuntu”
        Apt_update  (this is a chef resource).
    #i need to write a code,which stores the package location
     execute ‘yum update’ do
         command ‘yum  -y update’
          action  :run
      [  #yum_update  (there is no chef_resource for yum_update).
#(you might not have the resource for everything right,so basically,it is not possible for your #specific installations).
#But still,we have a source, for us,which is called as execute.
#What this resource is used for?
#In execute resource,we can just give,name to it,tell the command,what you want to do it.
(this command is a linux,which you want to execute).
Since,I don’t have a resource for yum_update,I would be using the execute.
If you don’t find a resource and you find a linux can use this execute resource.
But,there is one problem with this:
Whatever,you write in execute is not idempotent
(for example,if I write execute,write a linux script for removing  a file,so it will try to execute it everytime,whenever your using,this kind of statements,which are not idempotent,)
(we are  learning something called if and not_if guards,to add that to the idempotence).
(yum_update is fine,if you run it again and again,for somethings,you wont like to run the convergence again and again).
Whenever you write execute,you need to worry about the idempotence.
(idempotence = same result,when you execute one time or hundred times)]

#my package_name now  is from the attribute.
#Node [whatever that is defined in the attribute].
Package_name = node[‘configuretomcat’] [‘package_name’] 
 package_name  =  ‘tomcat7’
       package_name  =  ‘tomcat’

  package  package_name do
       action   :install

# you need to also start the service

service  package_name do
      action :start

(safely,I need to move this to attribute files).

Chef generate attribute default

(#attribute are only for the variables).
#Default [‘cookbookname’] [‘package_name’]  = ‘tomcat7’

If node[‘platform’] == ‘ubuntu’
default [‘configuretomcat’] [‘package_name’]  = ‘tomcat7’
(this is what the variable names should be).
default [‘configuretomcat’] [‘package_name’]  = ‘tomcat’

In attribute,we can write any conditional statemens and but not any execution statements
For example:
Conditional statements
Execution statements (should not write in attribute files)/
Apt_update etc.

What is the difference between kitchen and vagrant?
Kitchen has different places,where it can create the test environment
Vagrant is also similar.
Kitchen supports to create VM’s in various environment.
When you do the

Chef generate recipe tomcat_test

It generates files in three places:

2)spec  >  unit  > recipes  > tomat_spec.rb
3)test > smoke > default  >  tomcat_test.rb
(you also,want to write the code,which tests your recipes).

***this cookbook should  not work on windows,it should work on centos and Ubuntu.
Interesting applications:
Mifos x Ubuntu install

What is meant by omnibus?
We have a component called omni,it has all the installer components.
(especially the server components).

1kb =1000 bytes.

1kib(kib bytes)   =  1024 bytes

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