Tuesday, August 8, 2017

Chef Node object

when the chef-client is executed will pull down the node object from the server.

This is the first chef-client for the node.

After the node object is pulled down from the server.

The client rebuilds the node object.

So whenever we use information about the node.these node  objects,based off of the last chef client run.

Node attribute:

A  node attribute is the specific piece of data,about the node.

For example,CPU information….etc of which we learn how to query with the tool called ohai.

How does the node object formed?

The chef-client when executed.will pull down the node object from server,if this is the first chef-client for the node,there will not be a node object to pull down.

After the node object is pulled down from the server.client rebuilds the node object.

So,whenever we use,information about the node.this node objects,this is based on the off the base chef-client run.

So,if more memory or swap is added.hostanme has changed .

What happened is ,since we can use the node object.

An attribute information about the node,with in our recipes.

The node object is the first thing to compile.

The chef-client rebuild the node object.this is the first time it does when the chef-client runs.

node object is stored in a JSON file on the server.

Node object is the representation of the system.

Stores all of this runlist and information about our system.

It is available with all of our recipes.

When we are writing code.

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