Using mailx client:
sudo yum install -y mailx
sudo yum install -y shareutils (this is to install uuencode).
sudo yum install -y shareutils (this is to install uuencode).
Make sure, you check the status:
sudo service postfix status
# Exited Status of the containernameapp
ping=$(docker ps -aq -f name=containernameapp -f status=exited)
#echo $ping
#Logs of the exited container
#docker logs "$ping" 2>&1 |tee /tmp/upo.txt ---> T line
docker logs "$ping > /tmp/you.txt 2>&1 ----> N line
docker logs "$ping > /tmp/you.txt 2>&1 ----> N line
#Email notification
if [ "$status" = "Up" ]; then echo "test mail" | mailx -s "container is running"; else uuencode /tmp/you.txt /tmp/you.txt | cat "/tmp/you.txt"| mailx -s "docker status failed" -a "/tmp/you.txt" ; fi
When multiple containers are exited status:
# Exited Status of the containernameapp
#estatus=$(docker ps -aq -f name=containernameapp -f status=exited)
docker ps -aq -f name=containernameapp -f status=exited >/tmp/you.txt
for docID in `cat /tmp/you.txt`;
echo "docId : $docID"
#Logs of the exited container
docker logs "$docID" > /tmp/you.txt 2>&1
#Email notification
if [ "$status" = "Up" ]; then echo "test mail" | mailx -s "containernameapp is up and running"; else uuencode /tmp/you.txt /tmp/you.txt | cat "/tmp/you.txt"| mailx -s "App Name: containernameapp , dockerID : $docID status exited" -a "/tmp/you.txt"; fi
If you use T(using tee) line, we have to start script using:
"Sudo sh >/dev/null 2>&1"
If you use N (Normal line),we have to start normally:
"sudo ./"
Using sendmail client:
we have to install the sendmail client and start the process.
When multiple containers are exited status:
# Exited Status of the containernameapp
#estatus=$(docker ps -aq -f name=containernameapp -f status=exited)
docker ps -aq -f name=containernameapp -f status=exited >/tmp/you.txt
for docID in `cat /tmp/you.txt`;
echo "docId : $docID"
#Logs of the exited container
docker logs "$docID" > /tmp/you.txt 2>&1
#Email notification
if [ "$status" = "Up" ]; then echo "test mail" | mailx -s "containernameapp is up and running"; else uuencode /tmp/you.txt /tmp/you.txt | cat "/tmp/you.txt"| mailx -s "App Name: containernameapp , dockerID : $docID status exited" -a "/tmp/you.txt"; fi
If you use T(using tee) line, we have to start script using:
"Sudo sh >/dev/null 2>&1"
If you use N (Normal line),we have to start normally:
"sudo ./"
Using sendmail client:
we have to install the sendmail client and start the process.
nodes that have not checked-in in over 24 hours.
#Subject of the mail
echo "Subject:not checking into node“ > output.(html, txt)
#Add nodes to the body
echo -e "Servers on this list have gone 24 hours without checking in.\n" >> output.(html, txt)
echo " " >> output.(html, txt)
knife status --hide-by-mins 40 >> output.(html, txt)
#exclude unnecessary nodes
sed -n -i ‘/pinknodes!p’ output.(html, txt)
sed -n -i ‘/testnode/!p’ output.(html, txt)
#send email
/usr/sbin/sendmail -f “” < output.(html, txt)
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