Thursday, August 31, 2017

Chef cookbooks editor

The first command for creating the connection is bootstrapping.
Downloaded the starter kit from the hosted chef.

If you download the starter kit for the second time (the .pem in the host will be changed and it will create problems).

note:once you downloaded the starter kit,It may halt your existing connections.

Steps(This is on windows machine)
1      Install the Chef DK  (Google it).

2      Install visual studio code/Atom/Sublime (Every dev activity will be on workstation).

1      All the practice is down from the powershell.

 How to download visual studio code in Mac?
We have to tune that Editor (Visual studio code).
Boiler plate means something which editor gives.
We have to take the path from the local machine.

it gives the autogenerated script.
(something like a basic boilerplate).
these are related to the user resources.
We have to just change the values.
These are all the resources,for some of the resources we get the help like this.

These kind of editors will help us to reduce the Dev time.
We have to break our file in to multiple recipe files.

we can right click and create a new file,which is called as test.rb
(text editor,will make your work faster).
We  generated the cookbook now and things are good now,the problem is,you will not be able to do the work with one recipe file.

How to generate the recipe?
  Chef generate  recipe  <COOKBOOK’S PATH>  <recipe name>

(if you want to call any recipe,the naming convention is):

cookbookname::recipename   (this is the common convention).

By default,we have is:

These are the basic/most frequently used:
Create files or directories
Create users or groups
Manage services
Modify configuration files
Copy/download files
Extract zip/tars

(these are the part of the most of the installations).

Rare scenarios:
Manage ports/firewalls

(covers 80% of the installation).

(how to get this,up and running).

Google >  installing Jenkins on Ubuntu 14.04 (Be explicit on your version also).
(select digitialocean articles).

Manual steps for Jenkins installations:

what is wget command ==è  download

wget -q -O - | apt-key add -

After that,it is using,echo statement:

echo deb binary/ > /etc/apt/sources.list.d/jenkins.list
(we don’t have a equivalent command  of echo statement,so we might,need to use to chef,it may use some linux command).

Apt-get update
Apt-get install jenkins

(In chef,we have to write package Jenkins).

Chef process for Jenkins:

I want to create a recipe here for  installations.

Xxxxxxxxxxx\chef-repo\cookbooks\myfirstcookbook> chef generate recipe .(currentdirectory)   Jenkins_apt

(when your writing recipes,your approach is in two ways,that is one is the regular way on Ubuntu and another recipe is for the tomcat server).

Requirement: I want to install Jenkins on tomcat server instead of Ubuntu server:

1)Installing tomcat on Ubuntu:

(first I have to install tomcat,then I have to install Jenkins).
(someone will ask tomcat,not only for Jenkins purpose right)

What is Tomcat?
Tomcat is an application server.

(inorder to that,we have to write two recipes,one is for tomcat installation and another for the Jenkins).

Xxxxxxxxxxx\chef-repo\cookbooks\myfirstcookbook>  chef generate recipe .(currentdirectory)  tomcat_install

(to separate two words they use _ (underscore))  -à   ruby convention

Xxxxxxxxxxx\chef-repo\cookbooks\myfirstcookbook>  chef generate recipe .(currentdirectory)  Jenkins_tomcat_install

Whenever you installing Vagrant,make sure that,your Bios -à virtualisation is enabled.
(if virtualization is disabled,we cannot do it).

In the chef-repo path  >

We have to create a directory > local env(d)  >   Ubuntu (d)

$ vagrant init hashicorp/precise64

if everything is fine,you should see a Vagrantfile here.

if your doing in windows,follow the git bash

$vagrant up

we want to create another machine -à Ubuntu 14.04

Ubuntu14 (directory)

git bash (windows machine)  >  $ vagrant init Ubuntu/trusty64  (a Vagrantfile will be created)
$ vagrant up

We can write multiple tasks in a recipe,programmatically yes,but design wise its not a good practice.

How to ssh in to the vagrant machine?
The  (username of vagrant,will always be the vagrant machine).

If your using the git bash (only for windows machine).
$ vagrant ssh

Steps for installing the tomcat:

Sudo apt-get update
(to do apt-get update,what resource we have to use In chef).

Sudo apt-get install tomcat7  (ubuntu14.04)

(we need to know,what resources we have to use,to achieve this).

Chef resources (google)
Apt-get update

Use the apt_update resource to manage APT repository updates on Debian and Ubuntu platforms.
New in Chef Client 12.7.

In tomcat_install.rb
(this is how,we have to write a recipe).

#This automation is  done based on

apt_update  ‘update ubuntu’  do
action  :update
(basically apt-update have three actions

Apt_package (your telling that,its only works on Ubuntu)
The difference between  apt_package(only Ubuntu),package(this works everywhere)  and yum_package(only centos) is

Package ‘tomcat’ do
 Action :install


Whenever we install tomcat > we have the webapps folder >  in this folder we have to copy the file,which we downloaded from the Jenkins,which is Jenkins.war


Goto :  https://jenkins .io/download/
And download the Generic java package (war)

In Jenkins_tomcat_install.rb

#Jenkins locations to download
#webapps folder location  ---à   /var/lib/tomcat/webapps

Manual process
The link whatever you copied that is the Jenkins.war and will be downloaded in the webapps directory.

/var/lib/tomcat7/webapps #  wget http://ftp.yz……………/jenkins/war-stable/2.46.2/jenkins.war
(wget will download the war file from there(downloads directory,where you rightlink you get the above link address).

Once this is done we will restart the Jenkins and restart tomcat,this shouldwork.

(you want to execute a command,that equivalent resource is not found directly,then we have to run the linux command directly).

$ service tomcat7 restart

(we have to ipaddress to the machine,we have to go inside the Vagrantfile  and uncomment the ipaddress ).

When that done,we have to give:

$vagrant load


$sudo service tomcat7 status

https://ipaddress:8080/ ---- >  you can see some page.

After that:

we have to know,what resource we have to use for download:

command                   resource
apt-get update          apt_update

need to create a table for command and resources   -->  *****

(linux (command)       ----------->    chef(resource))

Upload this cookbook:
Knife upload cookbook cookbookname

If you want to add directly to the run_list
knife node add nodename run_list  recipe(cookbook::recipename)