Saturday, May 30, 2020

What is functional and non-functional testing ?

Functional tests verify that each function of the software does what it should.

UI tests are considered to be functional tests.

Functional tests verify that each function of the software does what it should. How the software implements each function isn't important in these tests. What's important is that the software behaves correctly. You provide an input and check that the output is what you expect.

Example : If I select the top player on the leaderboard, I expects to see that players's profile.

Nonfunctional tests check characteristics like performance and reliability. An example of a nonfunctional test is checking to see how many people can sign in to the app simultaneously. Load testing is another example of a nonfunctional test. Those performance and reliability concerns are things you care about.

Kinds of functional tests 

There are many kinds of functional tests. They vary by the functionality that you need to test and the time or effort that they typically require to run.

some of the commonly used functional tests

Smoke testing

Smoke testing verifies the most basic functionality of your application or service. These tests are often run before more complete and exhaustive tests. Smoke tests should run quickly.

For example, say you're developing a website. Your smoke test might use curl to verify that the site is reachable and that fetching the home page produces a 200 (OK) HTTP status. If fetching the home page produces another status code, such as 404 (Not Found) or 500 (Internal Server Error), you know that the website isn't working. You also know that there's no reason to run other tests. Instead, you diagnose the error, fix it, and restart your tests.

Unit testing

There will be some questions on AZ400 DevOps on this topic.

In short, unit testing verifies the most fundamental components of your program or library, such as an individual function or method. You specify one or more inputs along with the expected results. The test runner performs each test and checks to see whether the actual results match the expected results.

As an example, let's say you have a function that performs an arithmetic operation that includes division. You might specify a few values that you expect your users to enter. You also specify edge-case values such as 0 and -1. If you expect a certain input to produce an error or exception, you can verify that the function produces that error.

Integration testing

Integration testing verifies that multiple software components work together to form a complete system.
For example, an e-commerce system might include a website, a products database, and a payment system. You might write an integration test that adds items to the shopping cart and then purchases the items. The test verifies that the web application can connect to the products database and then fulfill the order.
You can combine unit tests and integration tests to create a layered testing strategy. For example, you might run unit tests on each of your components before you run the integration tests. If all unit tests pass, you can move on to the integration tests with greater confidence.

Regression testing

regression occurs when existing behavior either changes or breaks after you add or change a feature. 
Regression testing helps determine whether code, configuration, or other changes affect the software's overall behavior.

Regression testing is important because a change in one component can affect the behavior of another component. 

For example, say you optimize a database for write performance. The read performance of that database, which is handled by another component, might unexpectedly drop. The drop in read performance is a regression.

You can use various strategies to test for regression. These strategies typically vary by the number of tests you run to verify that a new feature or bug fix doesn't break existing functionality. However, when you automate the tests, regression testing might involve just running all unit tests and integration tests each time the software changes.

Sanity testing

Sanity testing involves testing each major component of a piece of software to verify that the software appears to be working and can undergo more thorough testing.

You can think of sanity tests as being less thorough than regression tests or unit tests. But sanity tests are broader than smoke tests.

Although sanity testing can be automated, it's often done manually in response to a feature change or a bug fix. For example, a software tester who is validating a bug fix might also verify that other features are working by entering some typical values. If the software appears to be working as expected, it can then go through a more thorough test pass.

User interface testing

User interface (UI) testing verifies the behavior of an application's user interface. UI tests help verify that the sequence, or order, of user interactions leads to the expected result. These tests also help verify that input devices, such as the keyboard or mouse, affect the user interface properly. You can run UI tests to verify the behavior of a native Windows, macOS, or Linux application. Or you can use UI tests to verify that the UI behaves as expected across web browsers.

A unit test or integration test might verify that the UI receives data correctly. But UI testing helps verify that the user interface displays correctly and that the result functions as expected for the user.

For example, a UI test might verify that the correct animation appears in response to a button click. A second test might verify that the same animation appears correctly when the window is resized.

In this module, you work with UI tests that are coded by hand. But you can also use a capture-and-replay system to automatically build your UI tests.

Usability testing

Usability testing is a form of manual testing that verifies an application's behavior from the user's perspective. Usability testing is typically done by the team that builds the software.
Whereas UI testing focuses on whether a feature behaves as expected, usability testing helps verify that the software is intuitive and meets the user's needs. In other words, usability testing helps verify whether the software is "usable."
For example, say you have a website that includes a link to the user's profile. A UI test can verify that the link is present and that it brings up the user's profile when the link is clicked. However, if humans can't easily locate this link, they might become frustrated when they try to access their profile.

User acceptance testing

User acceptance testing (UAT), like usability testing, focuses on an application's behavior from the user's perspective. Unlike acceptance testing, UAT is typically done by real end users.

Depending on the software, end users might be asked to complete specific tasks. Or they might be allowed to explore the software without following any specific guidelines. For custom software, UAT typically happens directly with the client. For more general-purpose software, teams might run beta tests. In beta tests, users from different geographic regions or users who have certain interests receive early access to the software.

Feedback from testers can be direct or indirect. Direct feedback might come in the form of verbal comments. Indirect feedback can come in the form of measuring testers' body language, eye movements, or the time they take to complete certain tasks.

Tools I can use to write UI tests 

Writing UI tests:

Some tools are open source. Others offer paid commercial support. Here are a few options that come to mind:

Windows Application Driver (WinAppDriver): WinAppDriver helps you automate UI tests on Windows apps. These apps can be written in Universal Windows Platform (UWP) or Windows Forms (WinForms). We need a solution that works in a browser.

  • Selenium is a portable open-source software-testing framework for web applications. It runs on most operating systems, and it supports all modern browsers. You can write Selenium tests in several programming languages, including C#. In fact, there are NuGet packages that make it easy to run Selenium as NUnit tests. We already use NUnit for our unit tests.
Selenium also will give us automatic support for multiple browsers.

SpecFlow:SpecFlow is for .NET projects. It's inspired by a tool called Cucumber. Both SpecFlow and Cucumber support behavior-driven development (BDD). BDD uses a natural-language parser called Gherkin to help both technical teams and nontechnical teams define business rules and requirements. You can combine either SpecFlow or Cucumber with Selenium to build UI tests.

Create a functional test plan

We've just seen the team decide on how they'll implement their first functional tests. If your team is just starting to incorporate functional tests into their pipeline (or even if you're already doing that), remember that you always need a plan.

Many times, when someone asks team members about their performance testing plan, it's common for them to respond with a list of tools they are going to use. However, a list of tools isn't a plan. You also must work out how the testing environments will be configured, you need to determine the processes to be used, and you need to determine what success or failure looks like.

Make sure your plan:

Takes the expectations of the business into account.
Takes the expectations of the target users into account.
Defines the metrics you will use.
Defines the KPIs you will use.

Performance testing needs to be part of your planning, right from the start. If you use a story or Kanban board, you might consider having an area near it where you can plan out your testing strategy. As part of the iteration planning, gaps in the testing strategy should be highlighted. It is also important to work out how you will monitor performance once the application has been deployed, and not just measure performance before it's released.

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