Saturday, May 9, 2020

Control statements in python

Few things, will help you to understand the python flow of executing things,

Control systems 

1. if  
2. else statement 
3. for 
4. break and continue 
5. pass 

Control statement : if 

Notes : 

1. No curly braces, instead of that we are giving  :  (colun)  and it also represents a new block is starting.
2. Always maintain indentation , preferable 4  ( means spaces ).

How to identify if the block is closed ?

using indentation for that.

How to end the block ?

if you start the statements ( something like if and else automatically the block ends ).

How to read an input in python ?

for that you can use input function

default nature : Any value, you given to input function, it will take as string.

How to convert the value to integer using input function ?

x =  int(input("enter an integer value"));

int is the integer function 
input is a input function 

Optional : Paranthesis is optional here.

What is a range function ?

For control statements the range function is used.

Example of range,

what is meant by concatenation operator in python and provide me with an example ?

here in this example, 

print ("i value is", i);

,  represents the  concatenation operator in python 

what is meant by concatenation operator ?

Concatenation means joining strings together end-to-end to create a new string. To concatenate strings, we use the + operator. Keep in mind that when we work with numbers, + will be an operator for addition, but when used with strings it is a joining operator

How to  use for  loop for the lists ? 

here in this example, 

for  i in

in is a function 

i is the index variable 

list =  [10,20,30]

and the meaning of the for  i in s   is,

for index variable i in the list 

Break and continue statement 

Break statement 

i==3   for this specific iteration, it gets skipped 

continue statement 

what is the pass statement  ?

how this is represented in other languages ?

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