Friday, September 24, 2021

Web application ( py)

 The applications which will provide services over the web are called web applications.


Every web application contains 2 main components.

1. Front-End

2. Back-End

1) Front-End

It represents what user is seeing on the website.

We can develop Front-End content by using the following technologies.

HTML, JS, CSS, JQuery and Bootstrap.

JQUERY AND BOOTSTRAP are advanced front-end technologies, which are developed by using HTML,JS,CSS, JQUERY and BOOTSTRAP.

2) Back End

It is the technology used to decide what to show to the end user on the front-end 

ie Backend is responsible to generate required response to the end user , which is displayed by the front-end.

Backend has 3 important components.

1. The language like Java, Python etc 

2. The framework like Django, Pyramid, Flask etc 

3. The database like SQLite, Oracle , MySQL etc.

For the Backend Language python is the best choice because of the following reasons: Simple and easy to learn , libraries and concise code.

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