Tuesday, December 15, 2020

what is IP flow verify ?

 The Network Watcher Network Performance monitor is a cloud-based hybrid network monitoring solution that helps you monitor network performance between various points in your network infrastructure. It also helps you monitor network connectivity to service and application endpoints and monitor the performance of Azure Express Route.


IP flow verify checks if a packet is allowed or denied to or from a virtual machine. The information consists of direction, protocol , local IP , remote IP , local port and remote port. If the packet is denied by a security group, the name of the rule that denied the packet is returned. While any source or destination IP can be chosen, IP flow verify helps administrator quickly diagnose connectivity issues from or to the internet and from or to the on-premises environment.

IP flow verify looks at the rules for all NSG appiled to the network interface, such as a subnet or virtual machine NIC. Traffic flow is then verified based on the configured settings to or from that network interface.

IP flow verify is useful in confirming if a rule in a NSG is blocking ingress or egress traffic to or from a virtual machine.



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