Sunday, March 22, 2020

Azure DevOps

What is Azure DevOps ?
Azure DevOps Services provides development collaboration tools including high-performance pipelines, free private Git repositories, configurable kanban boards and extensive automated and continuous testing capabilities.

Benefits :

Any language, any platform, any cloud

Fully integrated with end to end traceability

Easily build and push images to container registries like Docker Hub and Azure Container Registry. Deploy containers to individual hosts or kubernetes.

Difference between TFS-2019 and Azure DevOps :

On perm solution for Microsoft end-2-end tool is called TFS and the cloud solution for the same is called Azure Devops

DevOps Engineers must be proficient with Agile practices. They must be familiar with both azure administration.

Choosing a Deployment Pattern:

Traditional Deployment Pattern: 

Dev, QA, Prod - As  new builds are produced, they are deployed to  Dev, promoted to QA, and finally sent to Prod.

Modern Deployment Patterns:

Blue-Green Deployment is when you have two production environments that are as identical as possible, After deploying and testing on one, the environments are swapped once the tested environment is approved.

A Canary Release is only pushed to a small number of users. Therefore, its impact is relatively small should the new code prove to be buggy. Changes can be reversed quickly.

Dark Launching is the process of  releasing production-ready features to a subset of yours users before full release. This decouples deployment from release for feedback and testing.

Progressive Exposure Deployment  lets you expose the new software to a subset of users that you extend gradually over time. The impact ( also called blast radius ) is evaluated through observation, testing, analysis of telemetry  and user feedback.

How to test quickly this scenario using the Azure App Service ( Azure Webapp  ) ? 

Appservice > select the webapp > click on the Deployment slots feature. 

Why do we need the deployment slots ?
This is able to control the releases of an application into different environments on the same app.

We can test any deployment pattern using the deployment slots feature ( which is under the Azure App Service Plan ).

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