# cookbook name:: apache
# Recipe:: default
# Install apache package
if node[‘platform_family’] == “rhel”
package = “httpd”
elsif node[‘platform_family’] == “debian”
package = “apache2”
package ‘apache2’ do
package_name package
action : install
service ‘apache2’ do
service_name ‘httpd’
action [:start, :enable]
we have to validate our code:
we have to validate our code:
ruby -c default.rb
similarly with the foodcritic,inorder to make sure it is
Foodcritic default.rb
We can write a now recipe called the motd.rb
We are going simply doing the file resource type.
Resourcename path
File ‘/etc/motd’
do (the file that we are
going to manage).
Content ‘Hostname
is this: ‘
(then we are
putting node attribute information here).
(what we are
doing here is the combining text with the variable,(node attribute is a
Inorder to do
this,we have to do the variable interpolation.
If we are planning to use the variable interpolation,we
cannot use the ‘ (single quote).
(hostname = node[‘hostname’]
hostname = node attribute of the hostname).
File ‘/etc/motd’ do
(the file that we are going to manage).
Content ‘Hostname
is this: hostname (if you put lets this,it will
interpret with the line,inorder to the variable hostname
Inorder to do that, we have to change from single quote to the double quote.
hostname = node[‘hostname’]
File ‘/etc/motd’ do
(the file that we are going to manage).
Content “Hostname
is this: #{hostname}”
This will allow us for the evaluation of the hostname.
As the content in the motd file.
version change:
version change:
there is a minor change or the major change.
Version ‘0.1.1’
‘1. ---à this is the major change.
‘1.0.0 --à
that is the minor change.
The . Is the minor change,
And the third one is considered the patch.
0.1.1 -à the major change is the first item here.
The second after the .
is the minor change.(would
increment it).
And the third one is
the,be considered the patch.
If it is so major,that is the incompatable,with our node
code.we perhaps incompatable with the api change.
We may to consider to change from the one to two.
but if it is a minor change:
we are going to the
it’s for the patch,we are not fixing the bug,it will
actually improve our cookbook.
In this way,it can be stored under version under the
chef-server and ofcourse our runlist can define which version.
We can also revert back,if you don’t need to.
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